Create a presentation in four simple steps in PowerPoint

You can quickly create a simple framework for a professional-looking presentation by applying a theme for a unified look, adding new slides with various slide layouts, and then adding visual interest by applying a slide transition to all slides.

Themes gallery on the Design tab

  1. On the Design tab, select the theme you want.

Expand the gallery by clicking the down arrow

To see more themes, expand the Theme gallery

Shows New Slide button on Home tab of the ribbon in PowerPoint

. On the Home tab, click New Slide.

The Transitions tab on the Ribbon in PowerPoint.

To choose a different slide layout, click the arrow next to New Slide and then click the slide layout you want. On the Transitions tab, click the transition you want.

Expand the gallery by clicking the down arrow

To see more transitions, expand the Transition gallery

Apply to All command on the Transitions tab in PowerPoint

. On the Transitions tab, click Apply To All.

Now you've set up a presentation with a consistent theme and transition style. Next, add more slides, and fill them in with the text and visuals you need for your message.

PowerPoint for Mac Theme

  1. On the Design tab, select the theme you want.

To see more themes, point to a theme, and then select

PowerPoint for Mac New Slide

. On the Home tab, click New Slide.

PowerPoint for Mac Transitions

To choose a different slide layout, click the arrow next to New Slide and then click the slide layout you want. On the Transitions tab, click the transition you want.

To see more transitions, point to a transition, and then click

PowerPoint for Mac Transition Apply to All Command

. On the Transitions tab, click Apply To All.

Now you've set up a presentation with a consistent theme and transition style. Next, add more slides, and fill them in with the text and visuals you need for your message.

Design themes are on the Design tab of the ribbon

  1. On the Design tab, select the theme you want.

Click the down arrow on the right end of the Theme list <a href=to open the entire gallery of Theme options" />

To see more themes, expand the Theme gallery

The New Slide button on the Home tab or the ribbon

. On the Home tab, click New Slide.

To open the complete gallery of Transition options, click the downward pointing arrow at the right end.

To choose a different slide layout, click Layout to see a gallery of options, and then select the slide layout you want. On the Transitions tab, select the transition you want.

Click the down arrow on the right end of the Theme list <a href=to open the entire gallery of Theme options" />

To see more transitions, expand the Transitions gallery

Select Apply to All to use the transition on every slide in your presentation

. On the Transitions tab, in the Timing group, click Apply To All.

Now you've set up a presentation with a consistent theme and transition style. Next, add more slides, and fill them in with the text and visuals you need for your message.