I'd like to understand how to obtain a private key for Developer ID Application or Developer ID Installer certificates?
Where may I find the appropriate private key?
asked May 7, 2020 at 10:38 mahnunchik mahnunchik 1,165 8 8 silver badges 29 29 bronze badgesTo share Developer ID certificates the person who is Account Holder should:
Ask the person who created this certificate to export the certificate and send it to you. Or any other existing developer who is already using this certificate.
You can not download private keys from the apple developer portal.
answered May 8, 2020 at 9:18 Parag Bafna Parag Bafna 22.9k 8 8 gold badges 72 72 silver badges 147 147 bronze badgesYep, the person who created certificate must import Developer ID * certificate to the original keychain and export certificate + private key as .p12 bundle. It is not obvious when certificate created through web (not Xcode).