MSU Extension

Bulletin E2048
General Pest Management: Guide for Commercial Applicators - Category 7A

October 28, 2015 - Carolyn Randall

Order Information


How to Use This Manual

This manual contains the information needed to become a certified commercial applicator in Category 7A, General Pest Management. This manual is intended for use in combination with the Pesticide Applicator Core Training Manual (Extension Bulletin E-2195), available through the Michigan State University Bulletin Office. However, this manual would also be useful to anyone interested in learning more about general management of structure-infesting pests.

Category 7A—General Pest Management—covers the management and control of pests in homes, businesses, office buildings, hospitals, health care facilities, storage areas, industrial plants, schools and other structures. It discusses control and management of insects, other arthropods (such as spiders and ticks), and vertebrate pests (such as mice and rats) that may become problems inside buildings. The chapters contain basic scientific information as well as guidelines for practical solutions to pest control problems. The manual is divided into four sections:

• Section I—General Pest Management Information— covers general pest management and control including legalities, equipment use, and basic methods of pest control.

• Section II—Structure-infesting Pests—covers insects that commonly live inside buidings.

• Section III—Invading Pests—covers insects that invade buildings from outside habitats.

• Section IV—Rodents and Other Vertebrate Pests— covers vertebrate animals such as mice, rats, and raccoons that can become pests of structures.

The Category 7A certification exam will be based on information found in this booklet. Each chapter begins with a set of learning objectives that will help you focus on what you should get out of each chapter. The table of contents for each section of the manual is provided to help you identify important topics and understand how they relate to one another through the organization of headings and subheadings. As you prepare for the exam, read each chapter and answer the review questions located at the end. These questions are not on the certification exam. They are provided to help you prepare for the exam. Questions on the exam will pertain directly to the learning objectives.

The appendices and glossary, including an answer key (Appendix A), at the end of this manual provide supplemental information that will help you understand the topics covered in the chapters. Terms throughout the manual text that are bold and italicized can also be found in the glossary.