City Council approved waiving of permit fees for fencing, roof, and electrical repairs needed due to storm damage. The duration of the waiver is three months. Permitting is still required. Scroll to the bottom of this page for the forms, c redit card payment authorization form, and updated list of approved contractors. Submit all permit and inspection requests to the following email address:
Projects involving development, platting, or plan review are required to have a designated project manager to conduct communication and project coordination with City staff.
The mission of the Development Services Department is to create and maintain a healthy, safe community by enforcement of the adopted building codes and amendments, providing efficient customer service, and ensuring quality in the design, construction, and use of properties within the community.
The Development Services (DS) Department encompasses the Building and Permitting and inspections, Code Enforcement, Health Inspections, Planning and Development, public improvement acceptance, and the Fire Marshal's Office. Pre-development meetings may be scheduled with all parties involved in your project, which is encouraged so that we may work together with you through every step of your project. The DS Department website provides a packet containing all of the permitting requirements and other pertinent information required for plan submittal, review, and inspections.
The City of Angleton has adopted the following Codes:
A Certificate of Occupancy is required for: Occupancy and use of a building hereafter erected or structurally altered; change in use of an existing building to a use of a different classification; and/or a change in the use of the land (regardless of whether or not a building is present or erected on the property) to a use of a different classification. For more information, go to the Fire Marshal Office page .
Any person, firm, corporation or other legal entity that is required to secure a permit from or the consent of any administrative department within the corporate structure of the city, prior to commencing any construction, repair, work, labor or service shall be required to register with the city and furnish a general liability insurance policy in an amount not less than $300,000 for injuries in any one accident, not less than $100,000 for injury to any one person and not less than $250,000 for property damage. The registration fee shall be $50 and payable prior to obtaining any permit for construction work inside the city limits.
All building permit applications require the signature of the home/property owner as well as the contractor's signature prior to the issuance of the permit.
For the current list of Registered Contractors: Please Click Here
To download your registration form, please select from the following:
Homeowners are exempt from the construction registration when performing their own work at or in their residence that is lawfully homesteaded as such.
Homeowners may not do their own work on a newly purchased home or rental property. A homeowner who qualifies to do their own work is required to obtain the necessary permits and follow all applicable codes and inspection procedures that are required.